Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Walk Like A ... Duck?

Workouts heavy on legs are often followed by days of what I like to call the duck walk. This walk consists of a waddle due to the inability to bend one's knees because of extreme soreness, thus forcing a person to tilt his or her body from side to side in order to propel their body forward. Since starting CrossFit over a year ago, I would say that I have done the duck walk pretty much errr week. All. Day. long.

I know what you're thinking ... That sounds so hot. Well, don't even bother fighting over me boys, some lucky dawg already snatched me up with this sexy waddle. Even more attractive is when my knees buckle and I bust my ass in public. This pretty much never happens in private. Ever. When said knee buckling occurs and I fall (or am lucky enough to just almost fall) it happens in slow motion. Gives bystanders plenty of time to see it and enjoy the full extent of my grace as I grasp for a railing (that's never there) or try to figure out what tripped me (nothing).  Then there I am, road kill, paralyzed on the ground with no clue how my sore, broken, body will pull itself off the ground. I really regret not installing those railings on my front steps like I lied and told the insurance company I did. Karma.

As I write this, I am starting to agree that maybe CrossFit IS dangerous ... but it's not the workouts, it's the post workout ya gotta watch out for. I would have appreciated a free walker with gym membership.